Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Evelyn June!

Saturday was her second birthday. I know I've said it a million times, but the past two years have gone by so fast.  Blinked, and Bam! 2 years.

She really enjoyed her party this year, she loved all the people, the food and the presents. And as I was planning her party, I felt like we just did this. We just had a birthday party for her!
She's so big now, she talks, she says all these words and sentences, she tells us what she wants....a lot. She can put on a shirt and pants, pretty much by herself, she runs, she flips, she climbs, oh man, she climbs! She loves, she loves everyone. She's as sweet as can be, but will also let you know when she doesn't like something. She loves her baby dolls, her new kitty, Charlie, us, and coloring, and she always always finds a pen and writes on things she not supposed to. Like her red hunter boots!:/

She has changed our lives so much, things are so different with her around. So good. She's made me more aware of the mother I want to be, God is teaching me through her each day. Patience, right now, she likes to help with things, with everything. Cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, all the things we do, she wants to do. These days are so fun. And sometimes so hard. I fail daily, I lose my patience and I'm not always thinking to slow down and enjoy, but she makes me more aware of that every day. I love watching her grow and change.

I love you Evelyn June, Happy Birthday big girl!

You are a blessing!

 ignore my face in this picture...hahaha!

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