Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving is tomarrow and I'm sitting here thinking about all the things I am thankful for in my life,I feel so blessed!God has been very good to us.I don't like to count material things as signifcant things in my life,the most important things to me are.........
God,without him I would be totally lost,I am thankful for the realtionship I have with Him and the comfort of knowing that no matter what happens in life it will be ok,He is in control.I am so very thankful for my children and that they are healthy,you don't appreciate that all of the time,but when you stop and think about what a HUGE blessing that is its amazing!I am very thankful for my wonderful husband,he is a great provider,and a great father.Without him there are so many things I would have never been able to do.He's always supportive of anything I decide I want to do,I thank him for me being able to stay home with our kids.I am thankful for my parents,they are very giving and love helping us in any way they can,I'm thankful for them both!I am thankful for my sister,we always have so much fun together,I can always be a goofball with her and she won't think I'm crazy:-)
I am thankful for my brother in law Jeremy for being a good husband to my sister and a good dad to my nephew Dakota.I am thankful for Dakota,I feel like he's one of my own and I'm thankful Eli has him as a cousin,they are like brothers:)I'm Thankful for my friends,I have so many good ones and they are a true blessing.I Thank God for our home,to keep us warm and safe and for food to eat.God is truly good and I feel so very Blessed!HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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