The advent calender was a lot of fun,BUT I will definatly do things a bit different next year,it was hard to do all the things I had planned in each day.December was quite a busy month,with the kids in school until the 17th and then the week of Christmas I was feeling under the weather,they also were not home several days.They stayed with both sets of grandparents a few times so that left it hard to get those days done.You live and learn I suppose:)Her are a few pictures of the advent calender......
These little notes were in each day,they were mostly things to do together,such as baking Christmas cookies,watching Christmas movies,reading stories,we sent a care package to my cousin Brandon who is in Iraq and some days there was a special note telling them they had a gift:)
The kids had a great Christmas,They got everything they asked for and then some!Eli wanted a dirt bike and it was a bit too big for him:( We have to figure out some way to get him a smaller one,Ava was all about getting a DS and a bike and thats pretty much all they asked for.I'm thinking next year,we may just get them a few things they really want,they always get way too much and I feel like they are losing the real meaning of Christmas under all those gifts!Christmas Eve we went to church and we came home and read the Christmas Story about Jesus birth.Here are a few of our Christmas pictures.......
Well,the New year is officailly here and I have decided the 1st week of the year I will have NO sugar,I really wanted to detox from all the bad things I've had over the past few weeks.The first couple of days were EXTREMLY hard and I really thought about quitting,but since Anna is doing it with me she helped keep me on track,Thank goodness because I started feeling great once I stuck it out!I've also been going to the gym with my neighbor and doing a body pump class,which I LOVE!I am determined to get in the best shape I can this year!Its a new year and I plan on being as healthy as possible,I've slacked a little the past couple of days but I won't let that bring me down!
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