Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Its been a while.........

I have been so busy lately,no time for the computer it seems,but I'm home today with Ava(who unfourtantly has pink eye AGAIN)so I thought I'd catch up on my blogging:)
I've been working at the school now for about 7 weeks or so,and I really like it.I've finally learned everyones name and have gotten the routine down.It is a big change working full time but I like the structure of going to work everyday and coming home and being able to relax:)I really appreciate my weekends much more now than I did as a stay at home mom,which on some days I truly miss:(But I love the hours I have.
We are still planning our beach vacation and the weather has gotten nicer but today is cold and rainy,gotta love the spring;)The kids are super excited,and we are too of course!I've slacked majorly on my workout and diet routine,its so easy to fall off tack but I'm determined to get right back on!I'm still running about 3 tims a week,so I guess thats not too bad.
Eli has decided not to play baseball this year,which honestly is fine with me,that means much less running around.Ava is playing soccer and wanting to add in tennis lessons.I will probaly let her because she has never really had the chance to do many sports because we've always been so busy with Eli and his sports and running around,so I guess its her turn now:)Eli is taking piano lessons now,and he's really enjoying them.He's getting really good too!Speaking of...Ricky has picked up playing the piano,I must say he's very good.He's teaching himself,learning some from you tube clips.Here lately he's been playing beethoven,its realy beautiful,so relaxing.

So now on to my newest obbsesion,lol....I watched the movie Julie and Julia for the 1st time recently and now I'm dying to make Julia Childs Beef Bourguignon!I've looked up her recipe and others and I really want to try hers.Its a little scary to attempt,not sure why though?I guess I just have high expectations and I don't want to mess it up.All I can do is try though....right? I'll definatly document the process when I do give it a try,maybe this weekend......

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