Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

I used to be so good at writing a Mother's Day post every year. Last year I think I completely forgot. The reason this is so important to me is that I want to look back and remember this very special day. Being a mother is the biggest honor I could receive. At this point in my journey as a mother I have days where I feel like I can't catch my breath. The days and the years and rushing by. And I'm not quite ready for that. I remember the days of rocking and nursing and the sleepless nights and in some ways those were the very best days of my life. My children are growing up. And this makes me sad, and happy. Sad that they are needing me less and less as the days go by. Happy that they are becoming very fun, independent people. Eli is driving, and working. He'll be a junior in highschool this upcoming year. It breaks my heart. I still see that precious little boy that wanted so badly to make me pancakes for breakfast on Mother's Day and couldn't figure out how to do it, so defeated, he came to my room with a bowl of cereal and woke me up feeling a little disappointed in himself. I wrote about it a few years ago. That was the best bowl of cereal I  ever had. I just want to rewind the time sometimes. But I know I can't. Ava is going into the 8th grade, so this will make her last year of middle school. I miss my sweet girl with the wild blonde curls. But I love the beautiful person she s growing into!  My sweet Evelyn, she's in between big girl and baby. Well, I will always refer to her as my baby. As big as she is now, I still carry her sometimes. And I probably will until her legs drag the ground. Which won't be long. These years are precious and I pray my children have good memories. No, I'm not perfect and I can easily list all of my flaws, but I pray that their childhood has been full of good memories. I will always look at it with fondness. These have indeed been the best years of my life.

Mother's Day this year was quite. Church, then came home to a yummy brunch. We spent the day together and I couldn't ask for more than that. My love for these three is deeper than the ocean. I can't begin to describe it. To Eli, Ava, and Evelyn, I love you all with all of my heart.

We did mange a picture together.

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