Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Dear Ava

Dear Ava,

       Here we are, right in the middle of middle school. 7th grade is approaching faster than I could have ever imagined. But there are a few things I'd like to say to you before this big year of your life starts out. I know there will be times when you feel like just being you, isn't enough but please let me assure you, that being you is enough. Please hear me when I say this. Your value is not measured by how many friends you have or how popular you are. Your value isn't determined by what boy thinks you're cute. Your value doesn't rest in the clothes you have or the shoes you wear. These years are hard and I know you're trying to figure out just who you are. The thing is, I already know. And if you look deep enough, you'll know too. You're who you've always been. Who God created you to be. But somewhere in middle school that can get lost. You start noticing yourself and your "flaws". The  opinions of others becaome very important to you. Just remember that Gods opinion is what matters the most. And when you feel small, remember how big he is. And when you feel left out or lonely, remember that your family has your back and we're never ever leaving your side.  Remember, be kind. open your eyes and notice the kid setting alone at lunch. Smile at the "weird" kid. Step out of your comfort zone. Be a leader. In a world full of name brand clothing and high top converse, which I love btw, be something different. Stand up for what's right. But always be true to yourself and honest. Honest. Always be honest. I could scream this one from the rooftops. Be kind, but be honest. I am so proud of you my sweet precious girl. I love being your mom and am honored that I've had this job for almost 12 years. I love you all the way past the moon!

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