Well,things have not slowed down!Its one thing after another,going here or there,rushing to this place or that.I have'nt had much time to blog,or do anything else for that matter!I really hate how sometimes life just passes you by,the days are going by so quickly,my kids are getting so big!Ava is going to kindergarden in the fall and I still can't quite grasp that!It amazes me how the years are going so fast!
Ricky and I are planning a mini vacation to Charleston next month and I'm so excited,I really need some relaxation time!We are going to celebrate our 11th anniversary!Yes,I said 11th!!!!The time is FLYING!This will be our 1st time flying and we(well I) am a little nervous,but I'm more excited than nervous,I've just got to make time to pack and get things in order,because the kids will still be in school,so I've got some planning to do.
Baseball season is officially here,so thats been keeping us going here lately and Ava is really wanting to do gymnastics,so I'm trying to talk her into waiting until ball season is over,I don't know if she can hold out that long,lol:)I'm so ready for school to be out,so we can have some time to slow down and make memories with my extremly fast growing kids!
have fun! We leave for Charlotte the 27th of May. Keep me updated on your little business venture.