We went to Jones Orchard and picked fresh peaches,My friend Angel and I have been talking about taking the kids for a long time,we loaded them up and drove to Millington.We picked for an hour or so,Eli got too hot!And let us know about every 30 seconds:)We ate at least 5 peaches while we picked,they were delicious and so juicy and sweet!We stopped on the way home and ate at a restaraunt called "The Happy Mexican".The kids had so much fun,I think its important to do things like this with them so they realize where their food comes from and its not just straight from the grocery store.Speaking of,my garden is not doing so great,I've really negleted it lately,I've had 5-7 kids at my house all summer,so needless to say some things are not getting done!
I made a peach cobbler with some of the peaches,I gave some away and we are just eating the rest!I wish I would have picked more,next year I will get enough to freeze!
Here are a few pictures of the kids picking.........

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