Monday, March 7, 2016


As I'm vacuuming today's mounds of dog hair scattered throughout my house, I'm noticing how worn my wood floors are. And for a minute, I think to myself, how is everything so worn out. We've only lived here for 8 years! But as I go around the corners and move from room to room, the answer comes to me. We LIVE here. And we've Lived here for 8 years. Literally every room is touched with life. My children have run through every inch of this house. Their friends and our family have filled it many, many times. The floors are worn, the couches are we'll just say, well loved. The carpet has been put through the most torture, but every piece of this house shows life. It shows that my babies are growing up here, right now, and I don't want my house to show anything more. The creaky floor boards are my favorite. The rooms are filled with art from my children, my family, myself, and my mom and dad. Furniture my dad has built with his own hands. A musty old record player that reminds me of a sweet friend every time I turn it on. Books and pictures and little touches of everyone I love surround me. Sometimes I get caught up in wanting it all to look so Pinterest perfect, but none of that matters. It really doesn't. The day will come when my house will be clean for more than 5 minutes, but right now, I'll enjoy all the little imperfections that make it perfect. I know it's just a house, but to me it's our home. It's the place I hold so many memories. There will always be a project, and that's ok, because you know I love a project. But right now, I'm going to enjoy the squeaky  floor boards...... And my coffee

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