Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tell me something good.

In an attempt to focus on the good in life, because it's there if you look for it, I'm going to write a short post each day, (God willing) focusing on something good that has happened in my day. I'll start this one with Easter weekend 2017. It's been an overwhelming weekend really. Lots of ups and downs. We are putting in a pool! That's exciting. We are also doing it ourselves! Which is exciting and maybe a little insane. But hey! We like an adventure and a challenge, and this is a big one!
Ava tried out for cheer and didn't make the team. That was heartbreaking. I knew it would be hard if she didn't make it, but I guess I wasn't prepared for the fact that I could literally feel her pain. And it was something that I feel like changed me in a way. In a good way, I believe. She's strong and she'll be ok, I'm proud of her positive attitude and the fact that she wants to work harder and try again next year. That's my girl! I think God allows these painful failures to happen to us to build strong character in our lives. I believe through this He is doing some sort of work in her life.  With putting in a pool on Easter weekend, we were some kind of busy. I think Evelyn ended up going to 4 Easter egg hunts, so the amount of candy and sugar in my house should be outlawed and may cause my entire family to fall into a sugar coma for the rest of spring. We had a beautiful weekend with family and friends. More food than I could ever eat, lots of laughs and dirt in my face. Literally, thanks to my dad taking us on a back road adventure.  A beautiful church service celebrating our risen Savior, the most important thing about this holiday. And so, with all the ups and downs of this weekend, through the dark and sad moments, there are many bright and beautiful things hidden within. You just have to look for them. I see them. I am opening my eyes and letting them in!


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