Saturday, May 6, 2017

peaceful mornings

It's early Saturday morning and I'm snuggled under a warm blanket on my couch with a hot cup of coffee on the end table.  The only sound I hear is the fish tank and Charlie's toenails tapping across the floor as he walks. It's peaceful here. Early in the morning while everyone else sleeps. I know I should probably get up and pick up the living room a bit, but my body and this couch say no. So for now, I'll listen to them.  I've always been an early bird, and it used to make me mad that i couldn't sleep late like everyone else. But now, I love it and almost look forward to my early mornings by myself. With life being busy and loud I crave peaceful moments like this. Reflecting on the week, and life.  I have started reading through the gospels when I find myself with time like this. For a long time the Bible has been confusing to me. But starting in Matthew and reading slowing has made the biggest difference in understanding Jesus more. so, as I set here and enjoy the quiet while it lasts I will think of how much these loud crazy people make me happy. I will enjoy the sun peeking through the windows and the promise of a brand new day lying right in front of me. I will tell myself that today, I won't eat anything that is bad for me, and a little piece of me will know that I'm lying. I do have good intentions. But my love for food and happiness always outweighs my love for a flat stomach. I will cherish my family and love them today better than I did yesterday. It's a fresh start and the first day of the rest of my life!

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